Hi, I'm Cheri Ruskus, Founder of the Victory Garden Club.
While I may not be a master gardener or one of the world’s best gardeners, what I can tell you is that I am a very, very happy gardener. Gardening is a present you not only give to yourself, your family and your friends but also to the birds, the bees and all the other creatures in between.
Over the course of the past 30 years, I have had the most blessed opportunity to garden here in Colorado. Each year growing my garden just a little more than the year before. Each year trying to grow things that I have never grown before.
I have made my share of mistakes, killed a number of plants, grew some amazing unexpected plants from sometimes it seemed that vapors of the earth. And, I have found the plants that bring me the greatest joys like my beloved Zinnia’s.
By the end of the summer day, I can look pretty grubby, and every muscle in my body might be aching but I feel satisfaction in knowing that on that day I hummed along with the earth. Singing along with the birds and the bees.
Come join me and the fellow ladies of this club on this journey to finding your own Victory Garden. A place to create to your heart's desires to have it be exactly what you want to make yourself and the earth sing in harmony.